Community Partnership
Engage Owatonna is an online platform, with the goal of engaging our community -- gathering feedback and/or connecting with communication on issues and opportunities that we share together. The platform has been created and is managed by a community partnership that includes city government, local businesses, Owatonna Public Utilities, Owatonna Public Schools, the Chamber of Commerce, faith communities and interested individuals.
As Owatonna moves into the future, it is critical that its citizens know they have a voice in the process. Through Engage Owatonna, community leadership groups and community members will be listening.
At any time, a variety of project consultations will be shared on the Engage Owatonna platform. Community members are encouraged to submit topics for consideration and discussion through this platform.
Viewed as a “living document,” the Community Engagement Framework will evolve and change over time. Input will be sought from community members and partners to actively enhance and refine this important platform.