How We Engage
Be proactive. Initiate communications and dialogue with the community to maximize resident engagement. Ensure decision makers, institutions and elected officials have a clear understanding of and a commitment to engaging with the community in a meaningful and effective way.
Provide frequent and diverse opportunities for public education and engagement. Provide a variety of creative, convenient and cost-effective ways for the public to access educational information, become involved, and have real opportunities to engage and provide feedback.
Provide a consistent and coordinated approach to community engagement for decision making institutions and community partners to guide the selection of the most appropriate method and level of engagement.Go where the people are. Place a priority on increasing public engagement by taking advantage of opportunities to meet the public where they are. Utilize online communication and engagement techniques to maximize participation and enhance traditional, in-person engagement methods and processes.
Be collaborative. Facilitate communication partnerships to create synergy and save taxpayer dollars. Improve the relationship and level of trust by ensuring the community is informed about and involved in problem solving and decision making.
Encourage the open exchange of ideas. Invite conversations with the public, encourage idea sharing and find common ground. Strengthen community connectedness by creating opportunities for the community to get involved and provide feedback regarding matters that are important to them.
Increase community awareness, interest and participation in projects and initiatives taking place in our community. Ensure community feedback is heard, respected and taken into account in the decision-making process.
Enhance community trust. Enhance the relationship and level of trust among community members, to ensure the community is informed about and involved in local decisions, and information received through community engagement efforts is reported back to the community.
Enhance transparency. Demonstrate that community business is conducted in an open and transparent manner.